Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tramite (Paperwork)

It seems that with some things down here, it is impossible to complete them with the first attempt. Especially anything to do with the government, utilities, etc.  And, officials don't give out complete instructions. Those are often given one at  time. Satisfying the first requirement means you get to do Step #2. And when Step #2 is finished, you get to go to Step #3. Ed went to pay our real estate taxes the other day. It used to be Peggy's job but now Ed can get a discount because he's a certified old codger.  He went with last year's bill and his old-age discount card. And, cash. After standing in a slow moving line, he was told that he needed two copies of his card and two copies of his passport. Why? No answer. Can't pay without copies and you can't get copies at the office!  So, off to our official copy provider who owns a little variety store.  When he sees us coming he knows to ask "Mas copias?"  Ed felt success at hand now that he had copies. But wait! Last year paying taxes was separate from paying annual garbage collection fees. Of course, no sign or notice indicating any change to that this year. So Ed went with only enough cash to pay the taxes. Again, long slow lines. Ed got his tax bill along with a garbage bill. Yikes. The cashier is at the next window. Both bills must be paid at the same time! Gratefully the cashier said she would set the bills aside until Ed walked back home to get more cash. Success at last! Three trips to pay taxes of $65 US and garbage of $30.  Now, hammock remembering that life is filled with unrecognized benefits - Ed got some good exercise, he got to practice his Spanish, our taxes are low and there's always the hammock out back.

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