This past week when Jamie, Eric and Alexis visited us, we walk a few blocks to the new park near the Palacio Municipal (City Hall). This park, formerly a soccer field, has been paved with walkways, several performing stage areas, some fountains, and 8 or 10 fiberglass animals. This is Alex, Gaga, and Papa with the Hippo. The Hippo is a small slide. Kids walk up the side and then slide out the hippo's backside! We tried to get a picture of Alex being expelled from the Hippo, but she wanted to walk up the slide and then down the stairs.

Alex wouldn't put her head in the Hippo's mouth until Gaga did! Smart girl! No hippo is going to bite her head off unless she has company!

Alex really liked sitting on the back of the reclining tiger. She kept saying "Giddy Up"! Fortunately the tiger ignored her and stayed still.

It took some coaxing, but Alex finally sat on the elephant's trunk. She didn't like it though.... must not be a Republican.
Fun times at the park! We miss it already! Can't wait to come visit again.
So much fun! I loved our visit just as it was, but next time, it would definitely be fun to be there with the Galyons!
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