We've had a couple of days now of on and off really good rain. Ed did laundry the other day and hung it out to dry on the roof. This morning during a break in the rain he brought it in and hung it up under a ceiling fan. It was far wetter than it was after the washer's spin cycle! Now, we're doing inside house stuff and trying not to do the stuff that really needs to get done. Our friend Socrates and a buddy stopped by to say hello and, having no work today, were planning on smoking mota all day. Not a bad way to pass the time. We, on the other hand, decided to try and figure out how much rain we've had. The Tracker had left its Carlos 'n Charlie's yard glass on the patio table and it's about filled. So, we started to think about how to compute how many inches of water we've had. First, how tall is the glass? Well, it's raining pretty hard and neither of us wanted to go out and measure. So, we guessed. Now, how do you compute the area of a circle- the top opening of the glass. Pi R squared? Ummm. Then, what's the diameter of the glass's stem? Again, we could go out and measure its diameter, but, it's still raining! This is not a task for us. It's a task for daughter Jamie! We'll send her the measurements and in her spare time (ha!)she can figure it out! Back to being inside on a rainy day. So, let's take photos of the lake which now is the Tracker's new home! Patio Lake empties into Tracker Lake, which has a spillway into Ave. 10 Bis Sur canal. Done. Photos are only possible because the camera is waterproof. Now, let's plan a party! We'll have it on December 21- the end of the Mayan calendar or maybe the end of the world! Let's do dishes! Let's take showers! Let's make a list for the grocery store! But why? It may never quit raining. Let's build an ark! Ummm. No wood. OK, let's join Socrates and his buddy! Ahhh. life is good- even when is raining!
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