Our dog friends thankfully visit regularly. The first 3 dogs live with Rita across the street. Rex is, as we've mentioned, very deceptive in his looks. A Doberman who has no idea of his size or looks. He is the bottom dog on the pecking order, an absolute pussy cat. Scared of just about anything including just the mere threat of rain. Thunder causes him to find the tightest possible hiding spot, usually way back under stairways. A gentle giant, who sucks on his pillow for comfort!

Greta is the mid-level dog of the household. She continues to be a real puppy at age 2 nosing around in everything, digging in the garden looking for anything interesting, like turtles! She knows how to win over anyone with her affection and coy ways.

Bonnie is the head dudette. Although she is outweighed easily by each of the other dogs, she rules the house. The others dare not play with a toy unless it has been approved by Bonnie.

Max is neighbor DeLea's dog. Max is a great dog. Smart. Quick. Affectionate. We watched Max for a week while DeLea went to the States. Here he is curled up in his bed with his favorite sheet. Max loves company and hates to be alone. In fact he howls as if he's been hurt if he thinks you're leaving him for a long period of time. Neighbors just love that! Not!