Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a fine day this is. We hope that you all are finding much for which to be grateful. Our day started with an unusually loud chorus of birds as we opened our eyes - the mockingbirds trying out their various choral arrangements, the parrots' rush hour to work down south and the banana quits squeaking as they made their first fill-up of the day at the feeders and the Birds of Paradise.

Rode my bike down to Yoga by the Sea. Our practice today was focusing on the people we love and cherish - the ones who can't be here in Cozumel with us, the people who can't be with any of their loved ones today and the people who have passed on. With a heart full of gratitude, I stretched and strengthened and meditated. Then into the water for a swim with my mask and fins - sand dollars, puffers, needle fish, juvenile angels, flounder, stoplight parrot fish and lots of blue tangs. The grand finale of the morning was Blue Angel Resort's banana pancake breakfast. Yes!

I got to do all of this wonderful stuff while Ed worked on door sweeps and re-directing water that drains from the roof when it rains. I am so thankful for him - that he makes our living here possible with all of his work and planning. And we are so thankful for our family and friends. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Sounds like a PERFECT Thanksgiving!